La nuit, le regard se tourne vers la lune et les étoiles, ABBAYE SAINT ANDRÉ - CENTRE D'ART CONTEMPORAIN, MEYMAC, FRANCE

07.07.2024 — 06.10.2024

The exhibition is dedicated to the starry night sky and its relationship with light. By bringing together some of the variations linking humans to the moon, planets and stars, it illustrates the fascination exerted by the night sky and stellar configurations. Some works play on the tutelary image of the moon, while others recreate the strange shapes of galactic universes, planets, eclipses and aurora borealis, approached as so many supports for the imagination.


With : Evgenia Arbugaeva, Pierre Ardouvin, Isabelle Arthuis, Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil, Radu Belcin, Frédéric Bellay, Robert Combas, Caroline Corbasson, Eric Corne, Anne Deleporte, Nicolas Descottes, Hugo Deverchère, Lionel Estève, Anne-Charlotte Finel, Nikolas Fouré, Amy Friend, Marina Gadonneix, Delphine Gigoux-Martin, Noémie Goudal, Olivier Grossetête, Nicolai Howalt, Todd Hido, Yoo Hye-Sook, Tom Ireland, Alain Jacquet, Stéphane Lallemand, Guy Limone, Philippe Mayaux, Théo Massoulier, Corinne Mercadier, Julie Meyer, Célia Nkala, Aurore Pallet, Gerald Petit, David Renaud, Alain Séchas, Morten Søndergaard, Lise Stoufflet, Pierre Tatu, Jean-Pierre Temmerman, Grazia Toderi, Vivian van Blerk, Peter Wächtler.


And with the presence of a work by Pierre Soulages.


The exhibition also celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Parc Naturel Régional de Millevaches en Limousin and the RICE (Réserve Internationale de Ciel Étoilé) label, which will be awarded in 2021.


July 7, 2024
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